Looking for the latest A One Piece Game codes? There are just so many Roblox experiences that are thinly veiled, highly unofficial adaptations of popular anime and manga series, but A One Piece Game is one of the few that actually uses the source material's title. Technically it's called A 0ne Piece Game (with a zero instead of an upper-case O), but still, it's a bold move.
Like many Roblox experiences, A One Piece game has a lively freebies scene, with time-limited codes you can redeem for piratical goodies. Read on for a list of all currently active codes in A One Piece Game, instructions on how to redeem them, and a running tally of every expired code that's been and gone in the game.
Working AOPG codes
- WukongUPD! - Freebies
- BossWukong! - Freebies
- DragonUPD! - Freebies
- BossDragon! - Freebies
- GiantSmith! - Freebies
- BossSmithUPD! - Freebies
How to redeem codes in AOPG
To redeem any of these codes in A One Piece Game, you first of all need to subscribe to Theboss YouTube channel. Then, you need to find your YouTube user and channel ID and make a note of it.

After doing that, load up A One Piece Game and then select the Menu button on the left of your screen, or hit the M key. Then, click the Twitter button (bird icon).

Enter your YouTube ID in the relevant textbox, and then enter a code in the textbox which says 'Enter Code'. Then, hit the Enter key. After your channel has been verified once, you won't have to do it again.

List of expired codes for AOPG
- BossStudio4Life
- NewGearHybrid!
- BossHybridFourth!
- YamotoUPD!
- BossOni!
- QOLUpdate!
- NewDeathUpdate!
- BossDeathUpdate!
- NewRubberUpdate!
- BossRubberUpdate!
- NewOpeUpdate!
- BossOpeUpdate!
- NewHakiUpdate!
- ExtrasUPD!
- >BossExtras!
- FlameUPD!
- BossFlame!
- NewHakiBoss!
- LoyalsCodeAgain!
- LoyalsBStudio
- JoinLoyals!s
- StarkUpdate!
- BossStarkUpdate!
- PhoenixUPD!
- BossPhoenixUPD!
- QualityUPD!
- BossQualityUPD!!
- GarpUPD!
- BossStudiosGarpUPD!
- ShadowUPD!
- BossStudiosCID!
- IfritUPD!
- BossStudiosIfrit!
- NamiUPD!
- >BossStudiosNami!
- 100KLikes
- 100KTwitter
- 10KLikes
- 110KLikes
- 120KSubs
- 125KLikes
- 155KLikes
- 170KLikes
- 1DollarLawyer
- 200KLikes
- 200KMembers
- 20KLikes
- 20MVisits
- 230KLikes
- 250KLikes
- 2xGems1537
- 35KLikes
- 360KLIKES!
- 390KLIKES!
- 3KLikes
- 400kLikes!
- 400Thousand!
- 40KLikes
- 490kLIKES
- 500kLikes!
- 50KLikes
- 510KLikes
- 55KLikes
- 5KLikes
- 60KLikes
- 7.5KLikes
- 75KLikes
- 80MillVisits!
- 90KLikes
- AGiftFromAndre
- AizenSword
- AMilli
- AndresGiftForAll!
- Anniversary!
- ApologiesForDelay
- AprilTime!
- ArtifactsUpdate!
- AttackMarineford!
- AwakenCyborg!
- Beheader
- BirthdayBoss19
- BlastOff2023
- BossChristMasRace
- BossGojoUPD!
- BossGoroV3
- BossLeopardUPD!
- BossLovesU
- BossQualityUpdate!
- BossRenameUPD!
- BossSpin
- BossStudioLovesU
- BossStudioLoyals
- BossStudioOnTop
- BossStudiosExtra
- BossStudiosMagma!
- BossStudiosQuality!
- BossStudiosUPD!
- BossYoruUPD!
- BouncemanReworkSoon
- BST4D8IO0210!
- BuddhaV2!
- BugFixes164
- CodesWorkISwear
- CyborgSoon!
- DarkDark
- DragonNext!
- DRXWonBruh
- EasterPreHype
- EggHunt!
- EnjoyThis!
- ExtraGems
- ExtraGemsCode135
- FavoriteTheGame2
- Fixes172
- FixesOver!
- FollowBossInstagram
- FollowInsta163
- FollowTheBoss!12
- FollowTheBoss6262
- FollowTheGram
- ForSunday!
- Free2xExp1236
- Free2xGems!152
- FreeNormalSpins1122
- FreeRaceReRoll
- FreeRaceReset
- FreeSpin12
- FreeSpin1235
- FromBoss
- FromBossAndAndre!
- FromDevsToYou!
- FromXury
- FruitsComeTomorrow
- Gear4Soon
- GeckoMoria
- GemsCode1873
- GemsForShutdown
- GiftFromXury
- GoodLuck
- GyukiFruit!
- HalloweenRelease
- HangukMansae
- HappyMonday!
- HaveAGreatDay!
- HaveFun!
- HeadlessHorseman
- HeavenlyRestriction
- Hellsing
- HereYouGo
- IceV3NOW
- Ichigoat
- InstagramFollow4Codes
- InstagtamPlugBoss
- JustSublol
- KingLuffyAndAlopek
- Kore
- LateDrop
- LateLuigiBday
- Like4Codes
- LikeTheGame!52
- LikeTheGame55
- LoyalsCode!
- Lunarian!
- LunarianRace
- Maintenance
- MajyaTv
- MerryChristMasRace
- Millionaires
- MiniUpdate
- MochiComing!
- MochiTomorrow
- MochiV3NOW!
- MoreSoon
- Need2Sub!
- NewBossStudiosYear!
- NewFixUpdates!
- NewGojo!
- NewLeopard!
- NewMagma!
- NewSuits!
- NewTitleSpinCode12
- NewUpdateHey!
- NewYoru!
- OMGBossRename!
- OMGRename!
- OzqobShowcase
- PawV2Update!
- PhoenixV2
- Pregame_U8zKL
- PreHaki!
- QOL!
- QolChanges5
- Quality!
- QualityOfLife!
- RaceReRoll262
- RaceReset12
- RaceRoll1732
- RaceSpin
- RenameUPD!
- RevampPart1
- SaturnUPD!
- Shutdown1283
- Shutdown4Fixes121
- SnakeMan12
- Sogeking
- Sorry!
- Sorry4Bug
- Sorry4Delay
- Sorry4Issues
- Sorry4Shutdown
- Sorry4TojiDelay
- SorryForLateDrop
- SorryWeFixed
- sry4shutdown
- StorageChanges1
- StorageChanges10
- StorageChanges2
- StorageChanges3
- StorageChanges4
- StorageChanges5
- StorageChanges6
- StorageChanges7
- StorageChanges8
- StorageChanges9
- Sub2Boss!
- SubNeeded!
- SupportBossStudios
- TaklaBigBoy
- Testing
- thebosscode!
- ThebossYT
- ThousandLikes
- UGC12
- UGC15
- UGCRelease
- Update1
- Update7.5
- Update7
- Update7Tomorrow?
- Update8
- UpdateSoon!
- ValentinesDay252
- VegapunkRaid!
- VizTheGoat
- Xqtuy1b4
- XuryChristMasRace
- XuryDidTheCodes
- XuryGivesRaceLuck
- XuryLovesU
- XurySaysGoodLuck
- XurySpin
- ZnxCvb9
If you can't get enough of unofficial One Piece tie-ins on Roblox, you might like our page on All Star Tower Defense codes, since a few characters from One Piece have made special appearances as code-redeemable characters there. For another manga-inspired Roblox experiences with a similar vibe and codes to go with it, be sure to take a look at our Blox Fruits codes list too.