Looking for the latest Anime Fighters Simulator codes? If I had a penny for every anime-themed fighting sim on Roblox, I'd have a very heavy wallet. Rather than cribbing from a single source, though, Anime Fighters Simulator draws inspiration from the likes of Naruto, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and others. If there's one thing I love more than an ultimate crisis crossover, it's getting all the toys out of the box and playing with them at once, so Anime Fighters Simulator might be just the ticket if you're similarly inclined.
Like many of its fellows, Anime Fighters Simulator is pretty generous with the in-game freebies, which are delivered via codes. Below we've listed every currently active Anime Fighters Simulator code we could find, along with instructions on how to redeem them. We've also included a list of expired codes for your reference.
Anime Fighters Simulator codes list
Last checked on: August 27th, 2024
- Bundles!: Free rewards NEW
- LAGFIXED!: Free rewards
- PRISMATICS!: Free rewards
- BPxEVENT!: Free rewards
- AnniPart2: Free rewards
- SpecialTreat:3: Free rewards
- ApologiesForDelaysD:: Free rewards
- AnniversaryFinallyHere: Free rewards
- Happy3Years<3: Free rewards
- UPDATE71!: Free rewards
- UPD70!: Free rewards
- ChallengerArrival!: Free rewards
- UPD69!: Free rewards
- SorryQuest!: Free rewards
- Sorry4Maintenance!: Free rewards
- OopsieWhoopsie: Free rewards
- UPD68!: Free rewards
- UPD67!: Free rewards
- CalebsBDAY!: Free rewards
- Update66!: Free rewards
- X7Weekend!: Free rewards
- OopsieDaisies!: Free rewards
How to redeem codes in Anime Fighters Simulator
To redeem a code in Anime Fighters Simulator, simply launch the experience and tap the Twitter button on the left of your screen.

Then, type your code into the textbox on the 'Codes' menu and hit confirm. If your chosen code is still valid, you should see your rewards in-game straight away.

Expired Anime Fighters Simulator codes
- Magus!
- Uni2Hype
- SummerDelayed!
- SummerIsHere!
- InkFix
- UPDATE73!!
- Sowwy4Deway
- Update65!
- FixedSorry!
- Easter2024
- NewHeavenly!
- LoyalsCodeAgain!
- Upd61AFS!
- LoyalsBStudio
- PreEasterEggs!
- GoHUpdate!
- JoinLoyals!
- LoyalsCode!
- Update57!
- BossStudioLoyals
- 20KWEUP!
- KoroFightersSim!
- AFSComeback?
- Special15K
- BirthdayBoss19
- WinterEvent
- CreationAnniversary
- AFS2024!
- HappyChristmas!
- DelayApology
- Update51
- SuperApology
- DelayUPD51
- AFSUpd50
- @brandonha_0210
- Pregame_U8zKL
- ZnxCvb9
- SorryForBugs
- CastlevaniaHype
- Update49
- !Update48!
- RobloxFixed??
- DelayedHalloween
- !Update47!
- !Update46!
- SorryUpdate46!
- Update44Released
- SorryForDelay!!!
- Kekeke
- QOLChanges!
- Update44!
- DungeonCDRESET
- QOLPatch
- Update41
- SaopauloW
- ResetDungeonCD
- BlastOff2023
- BuffPatch
- Update40!
- Summer2023!
- InfiniteBalance
- SorryDelay
- UPD37!
- DungeonRecovery
- 100KPlayers
- DataFixed?
- KingIsBack
- BrazilOnTOP
- 25kPlayers!
- SubToFminusmic
- AFSComeback
- TheAbyss
- Insane1Million
- WorldAtWar
- SummerEvent2
- SummerEvent
- SoulAcademy
- 1MilFaves
- BronzePiece_
- otrademark
- RealDaireb
- Sub2Codenex
- Sub2Numerous
- Sub2Veyar
- Thanks900k
- ToadBoi
- Sulley1m
- Ichigoat
- MiniUpdatePog
- DungeonRefund3
- DungeonRefund2
- DungeonRefund
- LandOfGuts
- DungeonRefund
- AFSAnniversary
- LandOfHeroes
- SorcererEmpire
- 800klikes
- Update25.3
- WorldOfGames
- TheHole
- TimeTravelTokyo
- Sub2Foxpanda
- PassiveBug
- PassiveBug2
- PsychicCity
- NinjaCity
- NinjaCityRaid
- >OrcaPrison
- DivineColosseum
- KingdomFour
- IceWastes
- 2k22
- 700klikes
- FashionEmpire
- FashionRaid
- 100kRecord
- 200milcrazy
- AlchemyLand
- Almost100k
- AttackOfGiants
- Awesome50k
- ChimeraIsland
- Christmas
- ChuggaChugga
- Craftbug
- CrimeIsland
- CurseHigh
- cyclxnee
- DestinyIsland
- EmptyWorld
- EpicCode
- FlameCity
- GhoulCity
- Gold500k
- HalfBillion
- HeroAcademy
- Insane200k
- LuckIsland
- Lucky30k
- Magic100k
- ManyLikes
- MegaLikes
- NewSulley750k
- Nice200k
- Nice300k
- Pog125k
- Pog400k
- Poggers100Mil
- SCity
- ShutdownCode
- SlayerCorps
- SlimeyIsland
- SorryForShutdown
- SpookyIsland
- Sulley
- Sulley100k
- Sulley300k
- Sulley500k
- Super75k
- SuperLikes
- Thanks150k
- Thanks600k
- ThanksGiving
- TicketCode
- Underworld
- UpdateDelay
- VirtualCastle
- Yeet250k
For more codes pages related to Roblox games with an anime fighting theme, see our dedicated pages on Ro Ghoul codes and Blox Fruits codes. We've also got code pages for other popular games like Anime Dimensions, Bee Swarm Simulator and Project Slayers.