DUNGEONS! Anime Fighting Simulator Codes: Free Chikara – Jan 2023
Posted By: admin, Updated At: 2022-12-30, Views: 7511

Season 2 of Anime Fighting Simulator is out now! If you’re a big fan of this game, I bet you know there’re loads of secret codes out there that can get you free Chikara, Yen and more.

So right here we’ve looked through Fandom, Twitter and Reddit just to come up with the full code list at this moment. Check it out and treat yourself to some juicy in-game freebies!

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Sick of searching for Roblox codes? Try Coupert the coupon hunter! Just add it to your browser, go to Roblox redeem and you’ll see ALL the codes!

Get codes with Coupert

Working codes

New codes are in, act quick before they expire!

emperadorwapo1,500 Chikara Shards (NEW)
sub2defildplays1,500 Chikara Shards
2millionsingRoup! 20,000 Chikara Shards
1billionvisits!75,000 Chikara Shards
Emperadorstar5,000 Chikara Shards
Frangonewcode1,000 Chikara Shards
gggames50k2,000 Chikara Shards
kelvin600k3,000 Chikara Shards
secretrazorfishcode2,000 Chikara Shards
Elemperadorinlive2,000 Chikara Shards
DefildpromoChikara Shards
Mrrhino50k2,000 Chikara Shards
medtw50k2,000 Chikara Shards
elemperador100k!5,000 Chikara Shards
Bigboi100kChikara Shards
anotherbugfixChikara Shards
thanksbugfixes2,000 Chikara Shards
 VexoStreamChikara Shards
tigre250kChikara Shards
sub2kelvinChikara Shards
5000chikara5,000 Chikara Shards
subtodefildplays1,000 Chikara Shards
NNGChikara Shards
sub2hakimboChikara Shards
defildstream2,000 Chikara Shards
emperadorsubs1,000 Chikara Shards
Defildyen1,000 Yen
GGgames40kChikara Shards
frango2yen500 Yen
Lastyearcode750kChikara Shards
subtofrangoforchikaraChikara Shards
defild700kChikara Shards
Tigre200kChikara Shards
sub2emperadormaxiChikara Shards
defildChikara Shards
n1colas2sub1,000 Chikara Shards
tigrehaveyen500 Yen
tigretv2subChikara Shards
tigretvsubChikara Shards
subfrangoChikara Shards
L3NIChikara Shards
subn1colasChikara Shards
SubemperadormaxiChikara Shards
Sub2tanqrChikara Shards
sub2tplanetmilo500 Yen
subtomrrhino500 Yen
sub2razorfishgaming500 Yen
subtokelvingts500 Yen

How to redeem codes in Anime Fighting Simulator

Once you’ve got the latest working codes, simply follow these steps to use them in Anime Fighting Simulator:

  1. Launch Anime Fighting Simulator. Click PLAY.
  2. At the bottom left of your screen, click the Twitter button.
  3. Click CODE. Type or paste your code and click ENTER. Then you can enjoy the new freebies.

Although there seems to be many codes in Anime Fighting Simulator, remember that codes expired quickly. So act quick whenever you see any. You can also stay tuned to this post as we’ll keep posting the latest codes.

Bonus: Top Roblox Games codes

Latest Roblox games codes
Want more codes for other Roblox games? Check out our Roblox Games Codes page!

Bonus: Robux deals

Want to buy some Robux but don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Down below we put together some popular platforms for your Robux needs. Simply choose the one that suits you the best.

Platforms800 Robux2,000 Robux10,000 RobuxNote
Amazon Roblox Gift Card$10$25$100100% legit + Free items
RBX.placeNone (Minimum 1,000 Robux)$16.80$82.78Third party sellers. Online delivery.
RBLX.shopping$4.77$11.90$59.51Third party sellers. Online delivery.

(Note: Rates updated in June 2021 and might vary in time and countries. Third party platforms like RBX.place might run out of stock occasionally.)

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