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With Roblox Mad City codes, you can make your weapons and vihecles stand out a bit more. If you’re looking for the latest active codes for Mad City on Roblox, you’ve come to the right place! This article has the most up-to-date list of codes that you can redeem for vehicle and weapon skins!
Table of contens
Latest working codes
All the codes below are active. Weâve verified them for you one by one manually. Act quick before they expire. Weâll update this article whenever there is a new active code available.
Codes | Rewards |
BILLYBOUNCE | Billy Bounce Emote |
M4DC1TY | Black Hex AK47 skin |
0MGC0D3 | Green Dots Vehicle Skin |
Ryguy | Ryguy Vehicle Skin |
D1$C0 | Disco Vehicle Skin |
Bandites | Bandites vehicle skin |
uNiQueEe BACON | MyUsernamesThis vehicle skin |
RealKreek | KreekCraft vehicle skin |
Napkin | NapkinNate vehicle skin |
5K37CH | Sk3tchYT vehicle skin |
KraoESP | KraoESP vehicle skin |
0N3Y34R | Birthday Fireworks vehicle skin |
S34Z4N4 | Purple Zebra vehicle skin |
TH1NKP1NK | Pinky vehicle skin |
S34Z4N3 | Plasma vehicle skin |
STR33TL1N3 | Streetline vehicle skin |
S33Z4N2 | Frosty vehicle skin |
B34M3R | Sunbeam vehicle skin |
B3M1N3 | Hearts SPAS skin |
T4L3N | Talon vehicle spoiler |
W33K3NDHYP3 | Monochrome vehicle skin |

Expired / invalid codes
Unfortunately, the following codes are no longer active.
- Datbrian
- 100KCash
How to get more codes
You can follow @Taymaster on Twitter to find more codes for Mad City.
To ensure you can always grab the latest active codes for Mad City, you can also bookmark this article and check back often! Weâll keep on finding the latest active codes. Once we find one, weâll update this article!
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