[Updated] Roblox Wisteria Codes: Free Haori Jan 2023
Posted By: admin, Updated At: 2022-12-30, Views: 1369

If you’re a fan of sword fighting game, then the new Roblox Wisteria is just made for you. Demon Corps has just rolled out Wisteria for public testing, and no doubt there’ll be many secret codes coming along. If you’re on the lookout for the latest working codes for Wisteria, you’re in the right spot.

Here we’ve compiled a full list of the codes at this moment, grab them and treat yourself to some nice freebies.

Working codes

The following codes have been verified. Mind the punctuations and capitals when you claim them.
!100KBDAA Blood Demon Art reset
!100KBreathA Breath reset
!100KDEMONAPPA Demon Appearance reset
!NichirinColorNichirin color reroll 
!HairDrip Hair and Eye Reroll

Codes could expire any minute. Use them before it’s too late.

How do I redeem codes in Wisteria

Once you’ve got the latest working codes, follow these steps to claim the rewards in Wisteria:

  1. Launch Wisteria.
  2. On your keyboard, press the / key to invoke the chat box. Type or paste your code and press Enter.

How can I get more codes

If the list above doesn’t quench your thirst, there’re still some ways you can get the latest codes:

According to the developer on Discord, there are already many giveaways since the game came out, so he won’t be releasing any new codes for a little while. But we’ll keep an keen eye on the updates. So stay tuned to this page and make sure you don’t miss out on any upcoming goodies.

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